'Why Memoir?' A Poem of Reflection for December

A month of reflection and celebration, December rhymes with remember. 

I started this poem with the question, ‘Why Memoir?’ The sentiment that came to mind was, ‘It is the angle of the sun that decides the depth of my reflection.’  Sadly, I’m not really a rhymer, so indulge me.

‘Why Memoir?’ A Poem of Reflection for December

I approach the December afternoon of my life.  

Aging, there is more behind than ahead. 

So I choose to rejoice instead of dread, 

for I am alive, both on- and off-page, with much to remember.   

As I age, I write.  

Writing lights the candle that will

Create a tender angle of light to 

illuminate memories, both bright and hard,

that, like my winter roses, 

are unseasonally blooming still,

in my yard. 

Write to celebrate your life.

~Priscilla McCormick

Priscilla McCormick